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CHEMOPUR SANCY Alkaline cyanide-free zinc


CHEMOPUR SANCY 2001 is a highly efficient liquid brightener system for shiny zinc deposits from a cyanide-free alkaline zinc electrolyte based on potassium or sodium.

CHEMOPUR SANCY 2001 additives cause a strong polarisation in the high current density range leading to a preferred zinc deposition in the lower current densities.

It is characterized by an excellent throwing power and almost ideal metal distribution and produces stressless ductile zinc layers in barrel and rack operation with excellent chromatability.

The amount of chelating stabilizers in the bath is extremely low and does not cause trouble in wastewater treatment thus keeping wastewater treatment costs very low. CHEMOPUR SANCY 2001 deposits zinc layers under compressive stress and show fine crystalline structure being columnar at rack operation.

The brightness range depends on operation parameters. Depending on dosage of the additives the layers show satin-gloss or high brightness and are well deformable due to their compressive stress.

The corrosion behavior is very good because of the low inclusion rate of organic compounds and exceptionally good metal distribution.

Special advantages of CHEMOPUR SANCY 2001:

  • Low bath parameters thus low wastewater pollution
  • No glitter formation, no blistering
  • High efficiency up to approx. 80 %, very high deposition rate
  • Exceptionally advantageous metal distribution up to almost 1 : 1,
  • Even at high coating thickness no blistering of glitter formation
  • No edge-growth
  • Simple bath management
  • Operation temperatures of 20°C to over 40°C possible

CHEMOPUR SANCY 2001 Glanzträger and CHEMOPUR SANCY 2001 Glanzzusatz can be delivered as triple concentrates as well.


CHEMOPUR SANCY 2023 is a highly effective, concentrated liquid gloss system for achieving highly lustrous zinc deposits from a cyanide-free alkaline zinc electrolyte based on potassium or sodium.

The cyanide-free alkaline zinc bath CHEMOPUR SANCY 2023 induces strong polarization in the high current density range due to its additives, leading to preferential zinc deposition in the lower current density areas.

It is characterized by excellent throwing power and nearly ideal metal distribution, producing stress-free, ductile zinc layers in both barrel and rack operations.

CHEMOPUR SANCY 2023 can be used on both sodium and potassium bases.

The coatings produced are excellent for chromating and passivating.

The content of complexing stabilizers in the bath is extremely low and does not cause any disturbances in wastewater treatment.

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